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continue shoppingMagnetic Wave Pain Relief TherapyNon-contact electromagnetic field combined with infrared light penetrates deep650nmmuscleDepth, improve urban pain, such as head bowing, fifty shoulders,Frozen shoulder, tennis player, poor sitting posture,transmit energy to the deep layers of the muscles,canstimulateBlood vessels improve blood circulation, thereby relievingpainsymptoms, muscle reliefTighten and quickly drain lactic acid.
Helps relieve pain,stimulateVascular circulation, relieve muscle tension,Stimulates collagen production, allowing your body to be flexible.
The process only needs30In minutes, you can quickly solve urban pain and muscle painMeat taut problem!
Electromagnetic wave combined with infrared light (650nm)In addition to using "eddy current" to vibrate and relax muscles and deeply stimulate muscle contraction, it can also strengthen blood circulation in the painful area, restore the temperature of the area to a normal state, and improve discomfort.
Electromagnetic stimulation (eddy current) is used to stimulate motor neurons, strengthen muscle tissue, make the skin contract and relax, relieve muscle tension, accelerate physical recovery and relieve pain and pressure.It can improve the following parts: medial knee, trapezius, greater trochanter, lower back and supraspinatus.
Magnetic space therapy is suitable for muscle deficiency, muscle soreness, muscle decline, long-term poor posture,People who need to improve urinary leakage problems, sagging private parts or skin sagging.wonInternational CertificationElectromagnetic treatment technology and clinical practice in many hospitalsCertification.zeroAwkward, comfortable, no downtime,Absolutely safe, reliable and efficient!