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continue shoppingNMN Hair Activator (30 capsules)
There are many hair problems, grasp the hair growth cycle and keep your hair healthy
hairThe problem is getting younger and younger,Many people have hairline backwardsshift, thin hair, "Mediterranean",Alopecia areata(vulgar稱Ghost shaved head)WaitTroubled.
Causes of hair lossIt can be mainly divided into internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include: genetics, hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, etc., while external factors include: stress, environmental pollution, bad living habits, etc.
urban lifetoo busy,Stress from work,AgainOften staying up late and working overtime all lead totoss hairThe main reason.
NMN health supplements for hair
launch businessNMNThe first unique formula to add patented ingredients"蓽茇Extract",With high purityNMNCan be effectively repaired usingcomplex cells DNA, increases NAD+ levels in the body within 30 minutes and recharges cells, glands and mitochondria.
When blood flow throughout the body increases, the scalp activates hair follicles and shortens their growth and resting periods, thereby promoting hair regeneration.
Unique formula comprehensively repairs and strengthens hair growth
Japanese highEnd biological fermentation technology extracts NMN,Purity up to 99%
Patented formulaPiper fruitreal extract
Add toResveratrol BoostNMNefficacy
Ministry of Health and Welfare of JapanGMPCertification and Hong Kong Standards and Testing CenterSTCCertification
9 benefits to keep your hair healthy
√ Increase cellular NAD+ levels, making cells younger
√ Increase energy and speed up metabolism
√ Helps DNA repair
√ Reduce hair loss and hair loss
√ Improve blood circulation,activate hair囊
√ shortenhair growth cycle
√ Stimulate melanin production and reduce the appearance of gray hairReduce gray hair
√ Promote collagen and strengthen hair health
√ Prevent scalp aging and improve scalp health
Increase intracellular NAD+ Level .cells full of energyMeet daily needsIn addition, it can more effectively activate longevity proteins and repair one's own DNA. .Help delay the consequences of youthful growthPhysiological decline and aging.
Contains hair growth factors .Can enhance the thickness of collagen around hair follicles and fix hair strands in the scalp .Extends hair life. Effectively reduce hair loss.Helps strengthen hair growth ability and make hair strong and strong.
an organic chemical found in red grapes or other berriesResistant to drought or disease .Has strong antioxidant properties and helps maintain cell health.
This product is not suitable for consumption by persons under the age of 18.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made about this product have not been evaluated in Hong Kong for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Product effects vary from person to person and situation to situation.
The product is made from natural materials. The color, texture, and taste of each batch may be slightly different. This does not affect the efficacy. No need to worry..
People who are pregnant, breastfeeding, asthmatic, allergic, under medication, or suspected to be allergic to product ingredients should consult a doctor before consuming this product..
Adults take 1 to 2 capsules daily in the morning or as directed by a healthcare professional.